Specialty: 211 Veterinary Medicine. ED: Магістр. Semester: 8 (8-10). ECТS: 2 (8).
Distribution of hours: Lectures - 15. Laboratory - 30. Independent work - 15. Final control: Credit.
Annotation: Purpose: the main goal of the discipline "Internal Diseases of Animals" is for students to master important issues of general therapy and prevention of internal diseases of animals, as well as to study internal diseases of animals, to find out their etiolоgy, pathogenesis, symptоms. Objectives: during studying the discipline "Internal Diseases of Animals", students must acquire knowledge and practical skills regarding the etiolоgy of pathogenesis, patho-anatomical changes, symptоms, diagnоsis, course, prognosis, therapy and prevention of non-infectious internal diseases of animals. In the case of studying these issues, it is necessary to deepen the theoretical training on the etiopathogenesis of diseases and animal therapy, to develop in students clinical thinking, a creative approach when solving practical issues on the elimination of animal diseases.
- Викладач: Шарандак Павло Васильович
- Асистент: Грушанська Наталія Геннадіївна
- Асистент: Землянський Андрій Олександрович