Branch of knowledge: 07 Management and administration. Specialty: 073 Management; 075 Marketing. DE: Bachelor. Semestr: 1-2. ECTS: 6.
Teacher: Yurii Vlacenko, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Economic Theory Department.
Annotation: Microeconomics is the first subject of the training cycle in Economic Theory. Its importance and, at the same time, complexity arises from the fact that it is the first time the student becomes familiar with current economic models. Over the course the student will learn to formalize economic phenomena and gain an understanding of their workings. The course covers the basic economic models of consumer theory, production theory, and partial equilibrium. The objective of the course is to provide the students with a thorough knowledge and understanding of the foundations of modern economic analysis. The students will be introduced to the classical results and recent developments in microeconomic theory but the main focus will be on developing their modeling skills and encouraging them to think analytically about real world phenomena. 

Рік останньої атестації: 2021



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