Спеціальність: 211 Veterinary medicine. ED: Master (6 у.). Semester: 5-6. ECTS: 6.
Аuthor: Kucheruk Maria Dmytrivna, doctor of veterinary sciences, associate professor, head of the department of veterinary hygiene named after prof. A.K. Skorokhodka.
Annotation: Animal Hygiene is the branch of the veterinary science, which relying on knowledge of physiological and ethological demands of animals, describes the preconditions of health preservation and investigates the pathophysiological changes brought about by adverse environmental effects in order to gain information on the aetiology and pathomechanism of multifactorial diseases. On this basis, animal hygiene systematise the preventive veterinary measures with special reference to their economic consequences. Animal hygiene deals primarily with herds and health protection of the herds, therefore the subject is more or less equivalent to the subject „herd health ” taught in number of the veterinary colleges of the western hemisphere.

Рік останньої атестації: 2022