Specialties: 073 Management Degree: Bachelor. Semester: 2. ECTS: 5.

Authors: Liudmyla Galaieva - Associate Professor, Ph.D., Department of Economy Cybernetics; Oksana Makarchuk - Associate Professor, Ph.D., Department of Statistics and Economic Analysis

Abstract: The educational activity of each institution of higher education is aimed at training such specialists who could quickly adapt in real conditions and apply in practice the theoretical knowledge obtained during training. In the system of economic education, the place of "Theory of Probability and Statistics" as a discipline is determined by its role in the scientific and practical activities of society. "Probability theory and statistics" refers to a cycle of disciplines that form the profile of a future specialist, equipping him with the basics of theory and practice in the application of mathematical methods for studying the patterns of random phenomena, statistical evaluation and analysis of economic, social and other phenomena and processes.

Aim of the course is the formation of modern thinking and a system of fundamental theoretical knowledge in the theory of probability and statistics in future specialists, as well as applied practical skills with the use of information technology tools (MS Excel, SPSS, etc.), acquiring the skills of statistical research and analysis of economic phenomena and processes for the adoption effective management decisions.

Objective of studying the discipline is the theoretical and practical training of students on the methodology and methods of research and analysis of mass statistical data using the tools of probability theory and statistics.

Academic Syllabus

Рік останньої атестації: 2022
Автори курсу: Богданюк Олена Володимирівна; Галаєва Людмила Валентинівна



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