Спеціальність: 075 Маркетинг. ОС: Бакалавр. Семестр: 3. ЄКТС: 3.
Розподіл годин: Практичні - 45. Самостійна робота - 45. Підсумковий контроль: Екзамен.
Анотація: The course deals with the issues of starting new business, successful marketing campaigns, the four P's and C's, different factors in planning various things, from a holiday to career, international trade and trade barriers. Also students will practise (1) clauses with when, while, before, after, until and as soon as, (2) using numbers, decimals and amounts of money, (3) how questions are formed in the context of a consumer questionnaire, (4) the use of the present progressive and of going to for future plans, (5) identifying expressions for interrupting and clarifying.
Покликання на силабус Силабус

Рік останньої атестації: 2020



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