Спеціальність: 211 Ветеринарна медицина. ОС: Магістр (6 р.). Семестр: 6. ECTS: 4.
Автор: Кучерук Марія Дмитрівна, доцент, завідувач кафедри ветеринарної гігієни ім. проф. А.К. Скороходька.
Annotation: The curriculum involves understanding that the animal reflects the conditions in which it lives. The welfare of the animal is ensured if it is healthy, is in a comfortable and safe environment, receives a balanced diet, can behave naturally, does not suffer from unpleasant conditions such as pain, fear and stress. This approach covers all aspects of the animal's life, including appropriate indoor conditions, management, feeding, disease prevention and treatment, responsible humane treatment and, where appropriate, humane euthanasia.
Ethology studies the behavior of animals, especially in the wild. Students must gain a broad understanding of the fundamental principles and issues of animal welfare and behavior. Basic understanding of local, national, regional and international animal welfare legislation.
Захист тварин, етологія та професійна етика.