Спеціальність: 081 Law; ОС: Бакалавр. Семестр: 6. ECTS: 6.

Лектор: Піддубний Олексій Юрійович,  д.ю.н. проф., завідувач кафедри цивільного та господарського права.

Анотація:  Notary in Ukraine is a system of bodies and officials entrusted with the duty to certify the law and facts, which have having value, and perform other notary actions, prescribed by the law, with the purpose of giving them legal validity. Study of subject “Notary in Ukraine ” is the important and integral part of higher education of students who chose the profession of a lawyer, because their responsibilities will include not only knowledge of laws and regulations, but also to application and explanation of them to others.