Specialty: 073 Management; 075 Marketing. DE: Bachelor. Semester: 2. ECTS: 6.
Author: Koval Olena, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Economic Theory Department.
Annotation: Economics develops an understanding of economic theory evolution, terminology and principles, concepts used in the study of the subject. The course is formed on the basis of modern world and domestic methods of studying Economics. It will help to understand how to evaluate economic growth, inflation level, unemployment. The main tools of fiscal and monetary policy will be researched. This course will cover short-run business cycle and stabilization policy and long-run topics, such as economic growth, the natural rate of unemployment, persistent inflation, and the effect of government debt. Case studies with the real-world data and events help to apply macroeconomic theoretical approaches for the economic thinking of students.

Рік останньої атестації: 2021



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