Specialty: 101 Екологія. EL: Bachelor. Semester: 1. ECTS: 5.
Author: Voitenko Larysa Vladyslavivna – Docent of Analytical, Bio-Inorganic Chemistry & Water Quality, Candidate of Chemical Sci.
Inorganic chemistry studies the theoretical foundations of the modern inorganic chemistry, including the chemical properties and transformations of macronutrients, micronutrients, toxic elements and their compounds. Chemical properties are described in terms of atomic-molecular studies, acid-base chemistry, redox processes and complexation. The laboratory course involves the preparation and study of a number of types of inorganic and complex compounds.
Analytical chemistry (chemical analysis) is the area of chemistry responsible for characterizing the composition of matter, both qualitatively (what is present) and quantitatively (how much is present). Course includes: (1) the qualitative tests of cations and anions; (2) methods of identification of soluble and insoluble substances; (3) gravimetric analysis; (4) volumetry (neutralization, RedOx methods, precipitation titrimetry; complexonometry).
Competencies of the educational programme: 
Integral competency (IC): The ability to solve complex specialized problems and solve practical problems in the field of ecology, environmental protection,  and sustainable environmental management, which involves the application of basic theories and methods of science about environments that are characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions


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