Спеціальність: 051 Економіка (Міжнародна економіка). ОС: Бакалавр. Семестр: 5. ЄКТС: 5.
Викладач: Файчук Ольга Валеріївна - канд. екон. наук, доцент, доцент кафедри банківської справи та страхування.
Annotation: The international banking business is a key player in the global economy. The banking business is currently dynamically implementing financial technologies and digitizing all processes as much as possible, including international financial transactions. The purpose of the discipline is to form theoretical and practical knowledge and competencies of students in the development of international and domestic banking and increase stability and efficiency in the work of commercial banks through the attraction of foreign capital.
Міжнародна банківська система
