Specialty: 073 Marketing. DE: Bachelor. Semester: 4. ECTS: 3.
Розподіл годин: Лекції - 25; Практичні - 30; Самостійна робота - 35. Підсумковий контроль: Залік.
Annotation: The discipline "Agricultural Marketing" is taught to full-time students at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in specialty 075 "Marketing" educational and professional program "Marketing". Teaching uses modern approaches to analyzing agricultural market model, which allows you to embraces all business activities involved in production planning, transformation, grading, storing, transportation and distribution of goods and services related to agriculture as desired by agricultural producers (farmers) and ultimate consumers.
Маркетинг за видами діяльності: аграрний маркетинг
Покликання на силабус Силабус


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