Спеціальність: 101 Екологія. ОС: Бакалавр. Семестр: 6. ECTS: 5.
Розподіл годин: Лекції - 30; Практичні - 30; Самостійна робота - 90. Підсумковий контроль: Екзамен.
Анотація: The aim of the course in «Agroecology» is to form students' holistic understanding of phenomena and processes in the agrosphere, the need for comprehensive measures to improve the environmental situation in agricultural production, teach them new approaches and methods of greening to ensure sufficient production of high quality products: environmental awareness. The course provides knowledge about the impact of environmental factors on the productivity of cultivated plants, the structure and dynamics of common organisms living in agrocenoses, the basic laws of agroecology, productivity of agroecosystems and ways to improve it. Acquire skills and abilities to determine the types of agroecosystems and their functioning, ways to green the activities of various agricultural facilities, to compile and use agro-environmental maps and models.
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