Specialty: 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and stock-taking activities; 051 Economics.
OS: Bachelor. Semester: 6. ECTS: 4.
Authors: Makarchuk O.G. - Associate Professor of the Department of Statistics and Economic Analysis; Lesia Voliak - Associate Professor of the Department of Statistics and Economic Analysis.
Abstract: Methodological aspects of economic and mathematical modeling, conceptual provisions, models and methods of optimization problems, basics of systems analysis are considered. The purpose of the discipline "Economic and mathematical methods and models" is to form a system of special knowledge and practical skills in the field of knowledge formation on methodology and tools of construction, as well as adequate use of different types of economic and mathematical models and methods.
Економіко-математичні методи і моделі.
- Викладач: Воляк Леся Романівна
- Викладач: Макарчук Оксана Григорівна
- Асистент: Богданюк Олена Володимирівна