Specialty: 076 Entrepreneurship and trade (SP Entrepreneurship, trade and stock-taking activities. QL: Bachelor. Semester: 1. ECTS: 6.

Specialty: 071 Accounting and Taxation (SP Accounting and Audit; Analytical, accounting  and legal support of business). QL: Bachelor. Semester: 1. ECTS: 6.

Author: Gunko Sergiy Mykolaiovych,associate professor of department of technology of storage, processing and standardization of crop production after named of prof. B.V. Lesika.
Annotation: This course is intended for undergraduate students of the Bachelor of Economics faculty. It includes knowledge of existing technologies post-harvest handling, storage and processing of crop production. The discipline highlights ways and regimes of storage, types of storage facilities for raw materials and peculiarities of flour, cereals and oil production technologies. The laboratory course is designed to methods determination of quality of grain and grain products.

Рік останньої атестації: 2022



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