Specialty: 205 Forestry. DE: Master. Semester: 2. ECTS: 6.
Course lecturer: Viktor Myroniuk.
Annotation: The course is focused on the theoretical foundations of the sample-based forest inventory which in combination with remote sensing data provides a spatially explicit assessment of forest attributes. The course is designed to provide students with training in forest inventory using fixed-and variable-area plots and introduce the approaches for optimization of sampling design as well as statistical computations in national forest inventory. The course also introduces the necessary knowledge of mapping forest attributes using machine learning and imputation techniques.
Course lecturer: Viktor Myroniuk.
Annotation: The course is focused on the theoretical foundations of the sample-based forest inventory which in combination with remote sensing data provides a spatially explicit assessment of forest attributes. The course is designed to provide students with training in forest inventory using fixed-and variable-area plots and introduce the approaches for optimization of sampling design as well as statistical computations in national forest inventory. The course also introduces the necessary knowledge of mapping forest attributes using machine learning and imputation techniques.
- Викладач: Леснік Олександр Миколайович
- Викладач: Миронюк Віктор Валентинович
- Асистент: Блищик Володимир Іванович
- Асистент: Терентьєв Андрій Юрійович
- Асистент: Хань Євгеній Юрійович
Рік останньої атестації: 2023