Опції зарахування

Specialty: 073 Management ; 075 Marketing. SL: Bachelor. Semester: 4. ECTS: 5.
Розподіл годин: Лекції - 30. Практичні - 60. Самостійна робота - 60. Підсумковий контроль: Екзамен.
Lecturers: PhD, Associate Professor Liudmyla Galaieva (Mоdelling), Department of Economy Cybernetics; PhD, Associate Professor Lesia Voliak (Econometrics), Department of Statistic and Economic Analysis.
Annotation: Applied mоdeling is used in the daily practice of virtually all disciplines in business and economics like finance, marketing, management, microeconomics, and macroeconomics. Decision making in business and economics is often supported by the use of quantitative information. Applied mоdeling is concerned with summarizing relevant data information by means of a mоdel. Such mоdels help to understand the relation between economic and business variables and to analyse the possible effects of decisions.

Рік останньої атестації: 2024
Автори курсу: Воляк Леся Романівна; Галаєва Людмила Валентинівна
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