Опції зарахування

Спеціальність: 051 Economics (Economics of Enterprises); 072 Finance, Banking and Insurance (Finance and Credit). ОС: Bachelor. Семестр: 7. ЄКТС: 5.
Викладач: Тітенко Зоя Миколаївна, канд. екон. наук, доцент кафедри фінансів.
Abstract: The purpose of studying the discipline - obtaining by students the fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge on the organization of financial activity of enterprises, features of formation of the financial resources, mastering of methods of an estimation of a financial condition of the enterprises and financial planning at the enterprises.
Tasks: To study the essence and functions of finances of the enterprises, acquaintance with features of financial resources of the enterprises and sources of their formation, the organization of finances of the enterprises, mastering of methods of financial planning, an estimation of a financial condition of the enterprises, studying of features of reorganization of the enterprises.
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