Огляд глосарія за абеткою

Спеціальні | А | Б | В | Г | Ґ | Д | Е | Є | Ж | З | И | І | Ї | Й | К | Л | М | Н | О | П | Р | С | Т | У | Ф | Х | Ц | Ч | Ш | Щ | Ь | Ю | Я | Все

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ABD (n)

Term used to describe a doctoral student who has completed all coursework and preliminary exams but has not completed their dissertation (All But Dissertation).

abstract (n)

short form of a speecharticlebook, etc., giving only the most important facts or ideas.

academic adviser (n)

member of the faculty who helps and advises students on academic matters. He or she may also assist students during the registration process.

academic integrity

the expectation that teachers, students, researchers and all members of the academic community act with: honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility.

academic misconduct (n)

It includes:

  1.  plagiarism.
  2. breaches of the examination procedures that have been determined to be breaches of academic integrity.
  3. presenting data that has been copied, falsified or in any way obtained improperly.
  4. including material in individual academic work that has involved significant assistance from a third party, unless this is specifically allowed in the course outline.
  5. providing assistance to a student in the presentation of individual work, unless this is specifically allowed in the course outline.
  6. falsifying or misrepresenting academic records, or any other documents.
  7. any other actions that contravene the principles of academic integrity.

acceleration (n)

1. the increase in something's speed, or its ability to go faster.

2. the increase in the speed at which something happens.

accreditation (n)

approval of colleges, universities, and secondary schools by nationally recognized professional associations. Institutional accreditation affects the transferability of credits from one institution to another before a degree program is completed and the continuation from one degree level to the next level.

accuracy (n)

1. the fact of being exact or correct.

2. the ability to do something without making mistakes.

3. the fact of being exactly aimed and moving on an intended path.

analyze (v)

to study or determine the relationship of the parts of something.

annotation (n)

1. a short explanation or note added to a text or image, or the act of adding short explanations or notes.

2. a description or piece of information added to data, for example a label saying whether a word is a noun, a verb, etc., or the act of adding this.

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