Specialty: 291 International relations, social communications and regional studios. ED: Bachelor. Semester: 4 (1-4). ECTS: 5 (23).
Author: Svitlana Borysivna Khrystiuk - PhD in World History, Associate Professor of English Philology Department, NULES of Ukraine.
Annotation: Issues of places, perfect cities, justice, international relations, international organizations, diplomacy, its functions, diplomatic personnel, diplomatic missions, credentials, negotiations, role of the ambassador, rights and privileges, international law, matters of international concern, international law and its functions, constituent acts of the United Nations and other international organizations, unilateral legal acts (ratification, accession, acceptance and approval, reservations, denunciations), resolutions and records of the UN General Assembly and other international bodies are widely considered for the detailed perception in this course.

Рік останньої атестації: 2020