Опції зарахування

Specialty: 101 Ecology. OS: Bachelor. Semester: 5. ECTS: 6.
Allocation of hours: Lectures - 30. Laboratory - 30. Independent work - 120.  Final control: Exam.
Annotation: The main goal of the educational discipline "Environmental Monitoring" is the formation of future ecologists' theoretical knowledge, skills and practical skills in the field of obtaining and processing information on the current state of various components of the environment (surface and underground waters, waters of the seas and oceans, atmospheric air, soils), assеssmеnt of the levels of harmful effects of anthropogenic loads on them, forеcasting changes in the state of the environment, development of scientifically based recommendations to support management decisions and conduct environmental protection measures. The use of the obtained knowledge will give an opportunity for  future ecologists to develop projects of monitoring systems at the regional level.

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Рік останньої атестації: 2024
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