Опції зарахування

Specialty: 101 Ecology. DE: Bachelor. Semester: 7. ECTS: 5. Learning form: Full-time. Language of instruction: English.
Author: Voitenko Larysa Vladyslavivna, Candidate of Chem Sci, Docent.
Annotation: Discipline studies chemical, physical, geological and biological processes that are regulating the composition of the environment, biogeochemical cycles in their interaction with living matter through the biological systems of the Earth in time and space. The course includes the laws of the chemical composition formation of the ecosphere; principles of biogeochemical zoning, biogeochemical provinces and endemic diseases in them; theories of the origin of life, ways and types of biogenic and anthropogenic migration of chemical elements; methods for predicting chemical transformations of pollutants; mechanisms of isotope fractionation with living matter; the role of living matter in the geochemical processes of hypergenesis and crust weathering; biogeochemical patterns based on methods of chemical indication of the environmental state; transformation of xenobiotic.

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