Опції зарахування

Specialty: 101 Ecology (Ecology and Environmental Protection). ED: Master. Semester: 2. ECTS: 4.
Author: Volodymyr Illienko - senior lecturer at the Department of General Ecology, Radiobiology and Life Safety.
Annotation: t
he purpose of teaching the discipline is to study the sources of ionizing radiation in the environment, migration of radioactive substances in different ecosystems, features of physicochemical forms of radionuclides and assessment of environmental impact and risks associated with radioactive contamination. Formation of abilities and skills of carrying out radioecological researches with use of radioactive isotopes, methods of radiochemical separation and modern methods of measurement.

The task is to provide opportunities to use the acquired knowledge and skills to describe, analyze and predict the accumulation of radioactive isotopes and their migration in the environment under conditions of limited information, as well as to perform a master's thesis.

The student should know the characteristics of ionizing radiation and the physico-chemical basis of the interaction of ionizing radiation with substances, methods of radiometry and spectrometry of The student should know the characteristics of ionizing radiation and the physico-chemical basis of the interaction of ionizing radiation with substances, methods of radiometry and spectrometry of ionizing radiation, physical and chemical properties of natural and artificial radioactive isotopes of chemical elements, the basis of statistical processing of experimental data.

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