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Спеціальність: 051 Економіка (Економічна кібернетика). ОС: Бакалавр. Семестр: 5. ЄКТС: 5.
Викладач: Ткаченко Олексій Миколайович - доцент кафедри комп’ютерних наук.
Annotation: The concept of the algorithm and model algorithmic structure programming. Elements of algorithmic languages: the concept of data types, names, values, indexes, variables, constants, operations, expressions. Structured programming: sequence, branching, and loops. Procedure-oriented programming. Recursion. Software development methodologies: top-down and bottom-up design, modular programming. Organization of data arrays, strings, structures, and algorithms for their processing. File data structure. Dynamic data structures lists, queues, stacks, binary trees, and algorithms for their processing. Algorithmic everyday computing tasks. Modern computer programming languages. Fundamentals of computer programming of economic problems.

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