Спеціальність: 101 Екологія (Екологія та охорона навколишнього середовища). ОС: Магістр. Семестр: 3. ЄКТС: 4.
Автор: Іллєнко Володимир Віталійович - старший викладач кафедри загальної екології, радіобіології та безпеки життєдіяльності.
Анотація: The purpose of teaching the discipline is the formation of students’ knowledge and skills for a comprehensive assessment of the impact on human health and the quality of the environment, objects of economic activity that use sources of ionizing radiation (NPP construction projects, operation of existing nuclear reactors, the Exclusion Zone, places of temporary localization of nuclear waste, etc.) in the scale of the chosen territory, provides skills for preliminary checking of compliance of projects with current legislation and safety requirements, guarantee of minimization of radioactive isotopes' intake to the human body with food products, skills in control and management of actions in the event of radiation accidents in order to assess the extent of pollution and radiation risks. The task is to provide opportunities for using the acquired knowledge and skills for the description, analysis and prediction of radiation risks during the use of ionizing radiation sources under the conditions of limited information, as well as for the implementation of the master's thesis.
- Викладач: Іллєнко Володимир Віталійович