Specialty: 073 Management of Investment Activity and International Projects. Educational degree: Master. Semester: 1. ECTS: 4. Control form: Exam.
Authors: Shynkaruk L.V. - professor of the department of production and investment management, doctor of economic sciences, professor, corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine; Dielini M.M. - acting head of the department of production and investment management, doctor of economic sciences, professor.
Summary: On the course tasks, functions and organizational support of investment management are studied. Methods of investment analyses are presented. Invest planning is described as well as performed pronciples of forming, methods of development and assessment of realization of investment strategy; specifics of real investigation management; types of investment projects; risk-assesment of investigation.
- Викладач: Дєліні Марина Миколаївна
- Викладач: Шинкарук Лідія Василівна