Опції зарахування

Спеціальність: 051 Економіка (Міжнародна економіка). ОС: Бакалавр. Семестр: 7. ECTS: 4.

Distribution of hours: Lectures - 30; Practical classes - 30; Independent work - 60; Course project. Final control: Exam.

Teachers: Serhii M. Kvasha - Vice-Rector For Scientific and Educational Activities and Development, Professor of the Department of Global Economics; Oksana G. Makarchuk - Associate Professor of the Department of Statistics and Economic Analysis.

Annotation: The purpose of studying the discipline "Markets Analysis" is for students to acquire theoretical knowledge and obtain practical analytical skills for analyzing markets, in particular markets for agro-food products, with their classification according to the characteristics of the supply and demand situation, and studying tools for influencing market equilibrium.
Market analysis includes a set of actions aimed at studying all factors, conditions and situations that affect the state and development of the market, changes in its volume, structure, and scale. Conducting a market analysis is necessary in order to obtain objective information about the real market situation, to identify and assess the influence of the main factors. During the analysis, the volumes, structure, demand, supply for a certain time are identified and the main trends of market development are determined. The study of the course is structured in such a way as to provide students with theoretical knowledge of market analysis, its components, study methods, as well as to develop practical skills in applying the acquired knowledge for the analysis of specific agricultural markets.
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