Опції зарахування

Specialty: 075 Marketing. DE: Bachelor. Semester: 6. ECTS: 4.
Розподіл годин: Лекції - 30; Практичні - 30; Самостійна робота - 35. Підсумковий контроль: Екзамен.
Annotation: The educational course "Marketing by types of activity: industrial marketing" is compulsory discipline and created for students of English-speaking groups specialty 075 "Marketing". The educational course is aimed at the study, development and implementation of marketing in the activity of industrial enterprise and B2B sphere. As a result of studying the discipline, the student should be able to analyze industrial markets, marketing at an industrial enterprise, the methodology of marketing research, management of marketing activities at an industrial enterprise, formation and management of the price policy of an industrial enterprise, segmentation and analysis of industrial markets, can develop and manage of the product policy industrial companies, create B2B marketing strategies and will use others marketing instruments in order to improve business activities industrial companies.
Маркетинг за видами діяльності: промисловий маркетинг
Покликання на силабус Силабус

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