Спеціальність: 073 Менеджмент (Менеджмент міжнародного бізнесу). ОС: Баклавр. Семестр: 6. ECTS: 4.
Розподіл годин: Лекції - 30; Практичні - 30; Самостійна робота - 60. Підсумковий контроль: Екзамен.
Анотація: Understanding of the structure, organization and principles of functioning of various types of stock markets, the ability to conduct comprehensive financial analysis, assess the investment attractiveness of assets, forecast market trends and make informed investment decisions. The course also aims to provide students with knowledge of the legal aspects of international exchange activities, including international financial law, regulations and standards regulating these markets. Students learn to understand and minimize the risks that arise in the course of exchange activities.
- Викладач: Ібатуллін Марат Ільдусович