1. Computer science and its role in modern life

The term "informatics" comes from the word information - information about anything that is displayed in the form of specific data.

Information exists in various forms - in the form of sounds, gestures, written signs, etc., and it is characterized by attributes such as authenticity, completeness, relevance, usefulness, and comprehensiveness.

Humanity has always been interested in the possibility of saving and transmitting information. A storage tool is an object for storing information.

The bearer of information may be various subjects and phenomena, including human memory.

For the transfer of information used tablets, papyri, etc., but today - video, magnetism, light, etc.

Information activity of a person is a process that involves the acquisition, transformation, accumulation, storage, transmission, presentation of information.

An expert should read about one hundred pages of technical content every day.

Computer Science is a science about the laws and methods of measuring, storing, processing and transmitting information with the help of mathematical, software, technical means.

Computer Science was considered for a long time as part of mathematics.

Technology is a way of mastering the material world of man.

Includes three components: informational (scientific principles and justification), material (tools) and social (professionals with professional skills).

The concept of information technology appeared with the emergence of an information society, the basis of social dynamics in which there is no traditional material, and information resources: knowledge, science, organizational factors, intellectual ability, initiative, creativity, etc.

Academician Glushkov V. interpreted information technology as a human-machine technology for the collection, processing, and transmission of information based on the use of computer technology.

This technology is rapidly developing, covering all types of social activities: production, management, science, education, financial and banking operations, medicine, and others.

The formation of "Computer Science" as a scientific discipline refers to the 60s of the 20th century and was conditioned by the emergence of computers as a universal means of information processing.

Purpose of the computer - processing of numerical, symbolic, graphics, sound and other information after the request of a person:

Information -> Enter -> Computer -> Output -> Information`

For such a transformation it is necessary to have appropriate algorithms and programs.

Numbers or symbols that represent a qualitative sign of the essence are data that can be transmitted, processed, stored.

Object - phenomenon -> Property - attributes -> Number - data

A personal computer (PC, PC) is not a large computing machine as a device for the accumulation, processing, and transmission of information at any distance.

The PC is the main device for integrating the people of the globe into one information network (Internet, E-mail).

The PC works like a music center, a video recorder, a typewriter, etc. Modern technology no longer works without computer control.