Опції зарахування

Спеціальність: 201 Агрономія. ОС: Бакалавр. Семестр: 4-5. ECTS: 8.
Автор: Бордюжа Надія Петрівна - доцент кафедри агрохімії та якості продукції рослинництва ім. О.І. Душечкіна.
Анотація: The goal of the course is mastering for bachelor of the agronomy in theoretical knowledge and practical skills into basic of plant nutrition, their chemical composition and nutrients take up, soil properties in interaction with plant nutrition and fertilizers application, fertilizers classifications, fertilizers types and kinds, fertilizers production, fertilizers using and fertilizers influence on environment. And, this discipline helps formation practical skills in determination of the level of the crop nutrients supply, levels of the nutrients supply of the soils, identify of the fertilizers kinds and fertilizers forms, their interaction with soils, determination of the soil need in soil melioration.
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